I bought this dress from H&M yesterday. But what do I wear with it!!
As you probably will realise as you look through my sets is that I love France. Namely Paris. The Sights, the sounds, the fashion, and the food. Alas I am in love! So if you are like me and totally j'adore Paris, here's a tip on how to become Paris-a-go-go!
1. Learn as much as you can about the City of Lights.
Take french lessons, read a book, watch a movie (Amelie, funny face, or Sabrina), or eat french food (mmm croque monsier et nutella crepes)
2. Dress Parisian
Don't buy all chanel label, dress simply. Look to french style icons-
3.Mix some french words into your conversation
Don't go all out and start speaking all french. Some people won't understand you, but mix a little j'adore in here and a little oui oui mes amis there.
4. Visit Paris!
Convince your parents to spend your next family vacation in Paris. You can usually find cheap flights on Expedia or Priceline.
5. Go on and check out parisian designers
You can learn a lot about paris that way.
Good luck and PM me for requests :)
If you haven't noticed I am a total crazy fangirl over doctor who. My favourite doctor being number nine. Anyway here is how you become a total dr. who fan:
1. rent the series
you can't love the show unless you watch it. you don't have to watch all eleven doctors I reccomend starting at number nine.
2. invest in the show
buy magazines,t-shirts, toys, or posters. merchandise woot!
3. Dress like your fave doctor
Leather jacket for 9, Billowing coat for 10, bowtie or fez for 11 so on and so forth
4. Talk about it with your friends
its awesome introducing someone to the world of dr. who or debating whether he actually is in love with rose tyler
5. refer to yourself as a Whovian or a Whooligan
aka the dr. who fans names
6.Learn as much as you can about the series
visit blogs or read books
7.Have a favourite doctor
mine is nine <3
8.Have a doctor who party!
a marathon or a dress as a doctor or companion. fun times, fun times...
9. (my fave dr. <3) Bring up Doctor who as much as you can
you may make new awesome friends but just make sure you're not spewing wrong info
10. don't refer to the actual doctor as doctor who, thats the name of the show not his name. its annoying!
Good luck on your fanatic Doctor Who-ing
A - AVAILABLE: hoo :(
B - BIRTHDAY: July 10th
C - CRUSHING ON: The ninth doctor, and Will H.
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: ummm...oh yeah lemonade
F - FAVORITE SONG: The Show- Lenka
H - HOMETOWN: Is hometown where you were born cuz i was born in London
I - IN LOVE WITH: the ninth doctor
J - JUGGLE: sometimes...comes and goes like whistling
K - KILLED SOMEONE: My sims die a lot
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: It took my family 10 hours to get to DC
P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: idk i have horrible memory
R - REASON TO SMILE: the ninth doctor :)
S - SONG YOU LAST SANG: Dont bring me down- Electric Light Orchestra
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 6 but i haz un snow day :)))
V - VEGETABLE(S): Carrots, celery, lettuce...
W - WORST PET PEEVE: noisy eaters or snorers (basically my dad)
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: teeth
Y - YOYOS ARE: things that I can never figure out
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: I think im a cancer but with all the drama im all like huh?
Seriously, why do ppl hide their crazyness?
I used to but its way more fun not to be normal.
I guess some ppl are scared to be judged, but I don't really care about that any more.
Life is more interesting when you are totally bongo-cat-bananas (or crazy)!
Oh my goodness. I never really like the Jonas Brothers all that much (the fact that they said they wrote all of their songs when Year 3000 and What I go to school for was by English Boy Band, Busted) but when I heard Lovebug I totally melted. Im not saying I'm in love with them now, but as a self proclaimed hopeless romantic I really really love this song. Here is a look inspired by the outfit of joe, nick, and kevin.
Oh man I would kill to wear this. I wonder if it is made of real newspapers or just some kind of fabric. I would also love to be that skinny. (sigh)
For The Rebecca Minkoff contest
I used to go to this noodle bar near Columbia University. This outfit seems to be something I might wear there.
Could totally imagine wearing this in NYC.
Allez-vous me rendre visite à Paris?
mean Will you visit me in Paris?
Paris ne sera pas la même sans vous
Means Paris will not be the same without you
Je commence à aimer Paris
means I’m beginning to love Paris
Zut! Means Damn
Yet another Paris set. what can I say I LOVE PARIS. Im hoping I can go this summer. Mmmm fingers crossed :)
Blair Waldorf is my favorite character from Gossip Girl. She is me. Except more B!tc.h.y. We are both Girly elegant girls who are hopeless romantics and love Audrey Hepburn and her movies. I've almost finished watching the second season (Im on the second to last episode) and nothing has warped my opinion that Blair Waldorf is the best
I've always envied ballet dancers. I've taken many classes but I get bored and quit. I know "what a quitter"
Though however much I love my birthplace of London, I have completely fallen in love with paris. I went there on the eurostar when I was five, and all I remember is that my mum got into a huge argument with a lady in the Eiffel Tower Bathroom, because my mum didn't have enough money for each of us (me and my twin) to go to the bathroom. One thing lead to another and soon the lady was spraying toilet cleaner in my mum's face. My mum sprayed some in the lady's face and reported her. In the end we got to go in front of the huge line of people waiting to go up to the eiffel tower :))
I have to read it for social studies I had to read it in 7th grade too. Everytime I read it we get this long-ass assignment for it. it sucks